GPSN 110 General Survey of Psychology (4 Credits)
An introduction to psychology as a behavioral science and profession. Topics such as physiology and behavior, learning, memory and forgetfulness, intelligence, life span changes, personality development, social behavior, abnormal behavior and treatment approaches are examined.
GPSN 201 Developmental Psychology (3 Credits)
A survey of human development from conception to death with an emphasis on the underlying psychological processes. The unique challenges associated with infancy, childhood, adolescence and adulthood are considered.
Prerequisite: GPSN 110
GPSN 202 Psychological Foundations of Education (Fall, Spring) (3 Credits)
Theoretical and research findings of psychology pertinent to classroom teaching; how children grow, develop, learn; educational and psychological evaluation of school achievement.
Prerequisite: GPSN 110, GLLN 121
GPSN 204 Child Psychology (formerly GPS 203, Child Growth and Development) (3 Credits)
An overview of physical, emotional, social, language and cognitive development during childhood. The interplay of heredity and environment on normal and abnormal development is stressed. Students who have completed GPS 203 or GED 203 may not register for this course.
Prerequisite: GPSN 110
GPSN 210 Learning (3 Credits)
Models of animal and human learning including classical and operant conditioning, as well as contemporary theories drawn form information processing and cognitive science. Applications to education, social and clinical psychology.
Prerequisite: GPSN 110
GPSN 213 Social Psychology (3 Credits)
An examination of the impact of social influences on attitudes, feelings, and behavior. Selected topics include conformity, obedience, prejudice, attitude change, liking and loving, aggression and conflict, helping and cooperation, group interactions and bystander apathy.
Prerequisite: GPSN 110
GPSN 216 Adolescent Development (3 Credits)
This course examines the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development of adolescents. Topics include genetic, cultural, and social factors that enhance or inhibit development.
Prerequisite: GPSN 110
GPSN 221 Industrial Psychology (3 Credits)
Psychological methods for selecting and training employees, enhancing morale of workers and improving their relationships with management are studied. Another focus is the psychology of marketing and advertising.
Prerequisite: GPSN 110
GPSN 224 Psychology of the Family (3 Credits)
An overview of the literature focusing on the psychological dynamics underlying functional and dysfunctional family relationships. Theories and techniques of family therapy are examined.
Prerequisite: GPSN 110
GPSN 225 Psychology of Aging (3 Credits)
Physical, cognitive, sensory and personality changes that occur due to aging. Topics include theoretical perspectives, lifestyle changes, family relationships, age-related diseases, health care, as well as death and dying.
Prerequisite: GPSN 110
GPSN 230 Psychological and Social Aspects of Developmental Disabilities (3 Credits)
This course will study developmental disabilities from a psychological and sociological perspective. Topics to be covered include the effects of institutional life on development, the role of the family in development, and the influence that peers and staff have on the life of the developmentally disabled person. In addition, the foundations of psychological measurement are presented, including the I.Q controversy. The social stigma attached to being physically challenged is discussed, with an emphasis on research regarding attitude formation and change.
Prerequisite: GPSN 110
GPSN 231 Psychological Testing (3 Credits)
The historical, theoretical and statistical foundations of psychological testing. Examination of major tools that assess cognitive ability, achievement, behavior, personality and career interests.
Prerequisite: GPSN 110
GPSN 232 Behavior Management of Developmental Disabilities (3 Credits)
This course explores the clinical, treatment and service delivery issues unique to working with the developmentally disabled. Using a biopsycho-social perspective the course discusses challenges facing case managers in reaching clients whose functioning ranges from mild to profound levels of developmental delays. Behavior modification as it applies to developmental disabilities will be explored.
Prerequisite: GPSN 110. Co-requisite: GHUN 441
GPSN 301 Experimental Psychology with Lab (4 Credits)
Methodological and experimental approaches to human behavior focusing on sensation, perception, learning, and memory. Experiments are conducted in class, results analyzed, and scientific reports written. Students also design and write a proposal for an experimental project.
Prerequisite: GPSN 110 and GSMN 140
GPSN 301.6 Experimental Psychology Lab (1 Credits)
Experiments are conducted in class, results analyzed, and scientific reports written.
Prerequisite: Corequisite: GPSN 301.
GPSN 302 Experimental Psychology II (3 Credits)
More advanced research design and experimental approaches to human behavior including learning, perception, and problem-solving. Scientific reports including possible honors thesis proposals prepared by students.
Prerequisite: GPSN 301
GPSN 312 Cognition and Memory (3 Credits)
Overview of approaches to thinking, reasoning, problem solving, and decision making. Memory theories and process and neurological underpinnings. Interplay of memory and cognition.
Prerequisite: GPSN 110
GPSN 314 Group Dynamics (3 Credits)
This course covers the theoretical background and the practical applications of small group processes. Factors that hinder or promote group development, effective group development, effectiveness and productivity are discussed, and the necessary skills for effective group functioning are taught through experiential learning exercises. Fundamental topics, such as: Group Goals, Roles, Communication, Leadership, Conflict, Decision-Making and others will be covered.
Prerequisite: GPSN 110
GPSN 315 Motivation and Personality (3 Credits)
The personality theories of Freud, Jung, Fromm, Sullivan, Rogers, Perls and Skinner and the motivational theories of Maslow and McClelland are studied.
Prerequisite: GPSN 110
GPSN 317 Human Sexuality (3 Credits)
The psychological, physiological, social and developmental dimensions of sexuality. Physical components of sexual behavior, sexual identity, sexual behavior over the life span, dysfunctions and treatments are among the topics.
Prerequisite: GPSN 110
GPSN 320 Drugs and Behavior (3 Credits)
An overview of legal and illegal psychoactive drugs. Topics include the nature of drug dependency and addiction, societal influences, biological and psychological bases of drug use and abuse, psychological and pharmacological treatments, prescription drug treatment for psychological disorders, and issues surrounding restriction and legalization.
Prerequisite: GPSN 110
GPSN 321 Perception (3 Credits)
Detection and interpretation of various stimuli. Relationship between perception, reality, and illusion. Function of sense organs and brain. Demonstrations provided.
Prerequisite: GPSN 110
GPSN 325 Psychology of Minority Families (3 Credits)
The patterns and dynamics of minority families in the United States. Changing demographics, diversity of familial structures, difficulties surrounding immigration and acculturation, educational concerns, functional and dysfunctional family relationships, as well as treatment and therapeutic issues, are among the included topics.
Prerequisite: GPSN 110
GPSN 330 Psychology of Minority Women (3 Credits)
Social and cultural conditions affecting minority women in the United States. Relationships, attitudes, achievements, mental health, as well as therapeutic issues and strategies, are examined.
Prerequisite: GPSN 110
GPSN 332 History and Systems of Psychology (3 Credits)
The origins of modern psychology within the discipline of philosophy during the 19th century. Conception and growth of experimental psychology, psychoanalysis, Gestalt psychology, humanistic psychology, behaviorism, psychobiology, and cognitive psychology, as well as new directions, are considered.
Prerequisite: GPSN 110
GPSN 335 Abnormal Psychology (3 Credits)
An overview of psychological disorders with emphasis on etiology, symptoms, diagnostic tools and treatments. The major theories of psychopathology are considered.
Prerequisite: GPSN 110
GPSN 345 Health Psychology (3 Credits)
Psychological aspects of physical health and illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, AIDS, and obesity are covered. Students also investigate the role of health providers and their institutions in improving the prognoses of patients. Treatments such as biofeedback, relaxation training, and hypnosis are also examined.
Prerequisite: GPSN 110
GPSN 351 Biological Psychology (3 Credits)
The biological basis of behavior. Topics include anatomy and physiology of the nervous system and sense organs, drugs and behavior, sleep and dreaming, eating, brain disorders and abnormal behavior.
Prerequisite: GPSN 110 or GSBN 101
GPSN 400 Topics in Psychology (Upon Request) (3 Credits)
This course is a vehicle for teaching about material for which there is insufficient demand for being offered on a regular basis or which is of interest only on some but not all campuses.
Prerequisite: GPSN 110 and departmental permission.
GPSN 401 Psychology of the Exceptional Child (3 Credits)
Special problems of children who differ markedly from the average: mentally retarded, brain damaged, psychologically disturbed, sociopathic, physically handicapped, culturally deprived, and gifted children. Genetics, neuropsychological, and sociological aspects as well as causes, assessment, and remediation.
Prerequisite: GPSN 110
GPSN 406 Advanced Topics in Educational Psychology (3 Credits)
The course is intended to offer Education majors concentrating in Psychology an exposure to major developments in cognitive and learning psychology relevant to educators. The course will cover both theoretical issues and practical applications.
Prerequisite: GPSN 110, GEDN 201
GPSN 420 Obesity and Eating Disorders (3 Credits)
The etiology, description, and treatment of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorders associated with obesity. Relation between eating disorders and other psychopathology.
Prerequisite: GPSN 110
GPSN 430 Human Sexuality and Developmentally Disabled Persons (3 Credits)
The psychological, social and developmental dimensions of sexuality in developmentally disable persons. Differences and similarities between the development of sexuality in normal and developmentally disabled individuals will be explored. Sexual behavior over the life span of the developmentally disabled will be among the topics studied.
Prerequisite: GPSN 110
GPSN 432 Neuropsychology (3 Credits)
Cognitive function in the normal and brain injured adult. Methods of neuropsychological assessment in clinical and research situations. Topics include consciousness, body sense, spatial understanding, language encoding, attention, memory, perceptual processing including vision, and personality. Strategies for remediation.
Prerequisite: GPSN 351
GPSN 481-482 Independent Study (3 Credits)
Directed study in subject matter not offered in a standard course or independent research study of a new topic.
Prerequisite: Junior or higher status with appropriate Psychology GPA and departmental approval.
GPSN 485 Internship in Psychology (Upon Request) (3 Credits)
Students work in organizations such as schools, community agencies or clinics to gain practical experience. Performance is assessed by the site supervisor and a department faculty member.
Prerequisite: GPSN 110, senior status and permission of the department Chair.
GPSN 492 Senior Honors Seminar (3 Credits)
This course is oriented to teaching students how to prepare a thesis, helping them to decide on a research topic by discussing issues with the seminar coordinator and visiting faculty, finding a mentor, preparing the outline of the project, presenting their ideas orally and in writing t peers and the seminar coordinator, and writing the literature review for their proposal. It is intended to produce the first part of the Senior Honors Project.
Prerequisite: 21 credits of psychology, including GPSN 301
GPSN 493 Advanced Topics in Psychology (3 Credits)
This capstone course provides the opportunity for students to demonstrate comprehensive learning in psychology. Emphasis is placed on the enhancement of critical thinking and communications skills as well as preparation for entry into the workforce or graduate school.
Prerequisite: Senior status or departmental approval. 21 credits in psychology, including Experimental Psychology.
GPSN 494 Senior Honors Project in Psychology (3 Credits)
Independent research study including literature review, protocol, methods and implementation, statistical analysis, results and discussion, supervised by a Touro faculty member or appropriate substitute.
Prerequisite: GPSN 492