How to Finance Your College Education
Earning a college degree can open career doors and put you in a position for higher lifetime earnings—but the cost of paying for college can be a big deterrent for many students. Financial aid and scholarships are available but figuring out which ones you may be eligible to receive and how to apply can be an overwhelming, arduous task.
Reinventing Biology Labs During the Pandemic
Since March, university professors across the entire country have had to adapt their courses and lectures to the online, synchronous format. Professors who teach scientific subjects that require lab work—such as biology and chemistry—have had to get particularly creative.
5 Careers That Only Require a Bachelor’s Degree
Earning your college degree is a huge accomplishment — and a great way to boost your lifetime potential earnings and your personal happiness. In fact, research shows that Millennials who have bachelor’s degrees earn roughly $15,000 more each year than those who don’t and are about 8% less likely to be unemployed than those who have only high school degrees. Plus, college graduates have been found to lead healthier, happier lives.
Direct from Undergrad to Grad School: Pathways Programs Help NYSCAS Students Get a Leg Up
If you’re interested in earning your graduate degree in education, pharmacy or computer science as quickly and economically as possible, you might want to learn more about the pathways programs created through partnerships between Touro’s New York School of Career and Applied Studies (NYSCAS) and Touro’s Graduate School of Education (GSE), Graduate School of Technology (GST), and Touro College of Pharmacy (TCOP). Having a master’s degree is a key asset that will help to set you apart from the competition when applying for a job in these high-demand fields, and our pathway programs alleviate some concerns regarding admissions and costs when considering a graduate school education.
Alumna Spotlight: Angela Velez
Angela Velez, a NYSCAS alumna who recently graduated magna cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a minor in childhood education, discusses why special education is one of her passions, the ways in which Touro prepared her for a successful career and how she balances work, college and responsibilities at home.
Not Missing a Beat
Over the last several months, the Touro NYSCAS community—along with the rest of the world—has been presented with an unprecedented series of challenges. As we grapple with the losses we’ve endured and the uncertainty of the future, we must find new ways to live our lives and continue to move forward.
“I would do it all over again… at NYSCAS, of course”
Alfred Caruso, a psychology major at NYSCAS’s Starrett City location in Brooklyn, graduated this past June magna cum laude. But just like his last semester at Touro, his commencement ceremony was quite different from what he had previously pictured. “I took part in the online ceremony,” he said. “I wore my cap and gown and made the best out of it.”
Each failure brings us closer to our success
Regina Malkiev made the decision to go back to school and pursue a college education in her thirties, on the same day her oldest son entered first grade. “I took him to school, and I remember telling him about the importance of studying and having good grades,” she recalls. “He asked me: ‘Mommy, then why didn’t you go to college?’ That’s when I decided that, as a parent, I want to be an example for my kids.”
Tira’s Inspiring Story: Sharing Joy, Strength and Hope Through Music Therapy
From the moment she was born—exactly twelve minutes before her twin sister—Tira Bluestone knew she was going to be a performer.Art is in her veins: writing songs, performing music on her guitar, acting on stage, creating animated videos, you name it. Throughout her inspiring journey, Tira has found ways to use her creativity as a tool to help children with learning disabilities.
How the NYSCAS Learning Centers Moved Online
As the coronavirus was spreading in New York, Touro College converted its coursework to distance learning starting from March 16th. On the same day, also the Learning Resource & Writing Center began delivering all of its services online.