Online Tutoring


Online tutoring is offered for all courses that involve writing. Pieces can be submitted at any time and will be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis. Your paper will be returned to you with comments within 24-48 hours, excluding weekends and holidays.

Online tutoring in writing will enable you to submit papers, questions, or short pieces to a tutor any time of the day or night. The tutors will read your paper and critique it, pointing out errors in grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, etc. The tutors may also advise you that you are lacking a thesis statement, or that you have not adequately developed your argument. They will answer your specific questions and point out areas of concern with regard to organization, development, and grammar. The tutors will not proofread, edit, or rewrite your papers.

Make sure to allow enough time for your document to be reviewed before its due date. Remember to include the topic of your essay and any questions you might have about it. Some questions you might ask are:

  •  Do I have a thesis statement?
  •  Do my paragraphs support my thesis?
  •  Are my paragraphs arranged in logical order?
  •  Did I use commas correctly in the third paragraph?
  •  Are my verb tenses consistent?

If you have additional questions about the same essay, you can submit it again to the online tutor.

How to Submit

Online tutoring for writing assignments is done through Canvas. Log in to Canvas; click 'Online Tutoring', 'Self-enroll', and then 'Essay Submission.' All essays and questions must be submitted as Microsoft Word for Windows (.doc or .docx) documents.



If you're having trouble with math, either general or specific questions, email your questions to and Bella Goldenberg will respond. She can provide tips and explanations via email, or you can set up an online video conferencing session, through Zoom, to review.  

How to Submit

Bella Goldenberg