"The Workplace of Today and Tomorrow"
Newly-appointed Chair of Business and Accounting at NYSCAS, Dr. Sabra Brock, Shares Her Vision for the Department

Dr. Sabra Brock’s passion is to "connect education with the workplace—the workplace of today and tomorrow." Before starting her career in academia, Dr. Brock held leadership positions at several international corporations, such as Citicorp, Colgate-Palmolive, and DuPont. In 2014, she was listed as one of the "Top Women in Business" by the Queens Courier.
Dr. Brock has been teaching business at Touro College for over a decade. Now, after acting as the interim dean of Touro’s Graduate School of Business for six years, she was appointed chair of the business and accounting department at NYSCAS.
"What I hope to do is to bring the curriculum in line with the workplace," she says about her new role. "The reason why students get a business degree is to get a job, or to get a better job. When I hire professors, I look for people who can bring in real-world experience, problems, and contacts to the classroom."
As the new department chair, Dr. Brock wants to emphasize the importance of internships and career development for students: "If you get a paid internship, 68% of the time you end up getting a full-time job offer. The organizations want to try you out and see if it’s a good match; internships are a great way to do that."
Dr. Brock has a master’s from Northwestern University; she received her doctorate in business education from New York University. In 2013, Touro University Press published her book, At the Intersection of Education, Marketing, and Transformation. This fall, she released a new book, titled Discourses of Business Education at the College Level, which she edited with Peter J. McAliney.
"The new book is a collection of articles from about 15 of my colleagues from my Ph.D. program at New York University," she explains. The topics range from how to improve teamwork skills to how to build a marketing portfolio, to how to make it easier for international students to adapt to U.S. academic programs.
Last year, Dr. Brock was the keynote speaker at the NatDC Women in Leadership conference at the Harvard Faculty Club, where she spoke about her research on female CEOs."Leadership is one of the key themes of my life," she says. "I’m particularly interested in helping women—and men—find their inner leader."