NYSCAS Alumnus Turned Chief Marketing Officer on the Key to Continued Career Success
Graduate Who Climbed the Ranks at Top Real Estate Investment Company Showcases Skills Learned at Touro that Helped Him Advance His Career

“You have to get a college degree,” said Marcin Pokorski. “It will open doors. After you get your first job, never stop learning and looking for new venues to expand your skillset.”
A 2007 Touro NYSCAS alumnus, Marcin went on to earn his master’s degree in International Business Finance from Touro’s Graduate School of Business in 2018. Now, as Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) at real estate investment bank Eastdil Secured, his current day-to-day responsibilities include driving product innovation and overseeing a large team of design and marketing professionals in the U.S. and Europe. His favorite part of his job is the opportunity to work on marketing collateral for some of the largest real estate deals in the world and being part of an incredibly connected and driven team of professionals that works across marketing, technology, design, debt and equity, and public and private sectors. The most challenging part of his job is the never-ending quest for innovation, as well as the continuous search for next best product or data set.
“I’m proud to be working for a company that’s a market leader in commercial real estate investment sales and finance,” he said. “It’s fun and demanding at the same time because we work on the most prestigious trophy deals around the world.”
Marcin always had an interest in graphic design, branding, typography and “everything that goes into visual design.” That’s what initially lead him to study web design and desktop publishing at NYSCAS. The program allowed him to grow his talents and leverage them into a meaningful career.
“Touro combined traditional media and web design,” he explains. “It’s a good hybrid program that gave me both print and web experience.”
Right after graduating from NYSCAS, Marcin worked at a translation company, before moving to a creative agency and specializing in real estate marketing. He stayed at the agency for four years, designing promotional materials for leading real estate brokerages. As Marcin progressed in his career, he wanted more options within the marketing field and to add a business angle to his skill set. Realizing the need to stay current and the importance of versality, he decided to return to Touro for graduate school.
During his years at Touro, Marcin found the college’s approach and accommodating faculty extremely valuable while juggling his demanding work and travel schedule. “They showed a lot of flexibility throughout the years, enabling me to work during the day and study at night and on weekends. Touro is great for people who are working.”
That flexibility, combined with his perseverance, paid off. “I couldn’t have asked for a better education. When I graduated, I was well prepared to take on my first “corporate” years. I had enough knowledge to hit the ground running.”
This was in no small part thanks to the faculty. “If you’re really trying to become good at a particular subject, at NYSCAS, you’ll find instructors who inspire you and make it work for you,” Marcin said. For him, one standout professor was Susan De Castro, whose guidance and expertise helped him get his undergraduate degree at NYSCAS.