Yehuda Plotkin

Pittsburgh, PA

September 20, 2019

“It helped me find my niche.” He enjoyed his time at HTC and after spending two years in a yeshiva in Israel, decided to attend NYSCAS. “A lot of my friends came to NYSCAS,” explained Plotkin. Plotkin plans to major in one of the hard sciences and wants to become a physical therapist. “My mother is an occupational therapist so working in the health field runs in our family,” said Plotkin. “I think that physical therapy is an especially important field given how large the elderly population is in America.” What does he hope to gain from his time at NYSCAS? “I hope to figure out my work ethic and figure out who I am.”

Language Buff: Plotkin speaks Hebrew and has a working command of Spanish (his mother is from Venezuela). He’s also into cooking and is trying to learn some of his mother’s South American recipes.